”Geopolitik är en vetenskaplig disciplin, där politik, historia och sociologi analyseras med referens till geografi. Begreppet myntades på svenska av Rudolf Kjellén, som i sin tur inspirerats av den tyske geografen Friedrich Ratzel och dennes bok Politische Geographie (1897). Begreppet geopolitik gjordes känt på engelska språket av amerikanske diplomaten Robert Strausz-Hupé. Den franska geopolitiska skolans fader var Vidal de la Blache (1845–1918).” – Källa: Wikipedia
”Geopoliticians sought to understand how the new industrial capabilities of transportation, communication, and destruction—most notably railroads, steamships, airplanes, telegraphy, and explosives—interacting with the largest-scale geographic features of the Earth would shape the character, number, and location of viable security units in the emerging global international system. Most believed that the new era of world politics would be characterized by the closure of the frontier, territorial units of increased size, and intense interstate competition; most also thought that a great upheaval was imminent, that the balance-of-power system that helped to maintain order in Europe during most of the 19th century was obsolete, that the British Empire (the superpower of the 19th century) was ill-suited to the new material environment and would probably be dismembered, and that the United States and Russia were the two states best situated in size and location to survive in the new era. Geopoliticians vigorously disagreed, however, about the character, number, and location of the entities that would prove most viable.” – Source: Britannica.com
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Bild: Syrien och geopolitik. Foto: Erika Wittlieb. Licens: Pixabay.com (free use)