Martin Ebon föddes 27 maj 1917 i Hamburg. Han kom till USA 1938 där han bodde i New York åren till sin död 11 februari 2006. Han var son till Julius och Martha (Ludwig). Han gifte sig med Chariklia (Koutsie) 25 april 1949 och fick sonen Andy Ebon. Martin Ebon och Koutsie Ebon vilar vid ”the monastery of the Monks of New Skete”, Cambridge, New York.
Militärtjänst: Member of staff, U.S. Office of War Information och en kort tid ”information officer” vid ”U.S. Department of State” under andra världskriget.
- Managing Editor of foreign language division, Overseas News Agency; U.S. Information Agency, New York City
- Information Officer on Far Eastern desks, 1950-52; Hill & Knowlton, Inc. (public relations), New York City,
- Account Executive, 1952-53; Parapsychology Foundation, Inc., New York City, administrative secretary and editor, 1953-65
- Lombard Associates, Inc. (public relations and publications consultants), New York City, president, 1962-82
- Consulting Editor, New American Library (publishers), 1966-83; executive editor of hardcover book division, Playboy Press, 1971-72.
- Lecturer in Division of Social Sciences, New School for Social Research, 1949-50, 1955-56, 1967.
- Consultant, Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man, 1966-67.
Kritik mot svenska Wikipedia
Fanns ingen post om Martin Ebon på svenska Wikipedia 2011-10-20.
- World Communism Today
, McGraw-Hill, 1948.
- Malenkov: Stalin’s Successor
, McGraw-Hill, 1953.
- Beyond Space and Time: an ESP Casebook
, New American Library, 1967.
- True Experiences in Telepathy
, New American Library, 1967.
- Svetlana: Stalin’s Daughter
, New American Library, 1967.
- Prophecy In Our Time
, New American Library, 1968.
- True Experiences with ESP
, Signet, 1968.
- True Experiences in Communicating with the Dead
, Signet, 1968.
- Che: The making of a legend
, 1969.
- True Experiences with Exotic ESP
- Reincarnation in the 20th Century
, New American Library, 1970.
- Psychic World Around Us
, Signet, 1970.
- Lin Piao: The life and writings of China’s new ruler
, Stein & Day, 1970.
- Witchcraft Today
, New American Library, 1971.
- Every Woman’s Guide To Abortion
, Universe Books, 1971.
- Psychic Discoveries by the Russians
, Signet, 1971.
- The Knew The Unknown
, World Publishing, 1971.
- True Experiences with Prophecy
, Signet 1971.
- Psychic Visits Past
, Signet, 1971.
- The Truth About Vitamin E
, Bantam, 1972.
- (Under pseudonym Eric Ward; with Ursala Russell) The President’s Daughter
, Bantam, 1973.
- The Devil’s Bride: Exorcism, Past and Present
, Harper, 1974.
- The Essential Vitamin Counter, Bantam, 1974.
- Psychic Scene
, Signet, 1974.
- The Amazing Uri Geller
, Signet, 1975.
- The Riddle Of The Bermuda Triangle
, Signet, 1975.
- St. Nicholas: Life and Legend
, Harper, 1975.
- The Maharishi, Founder of TM
, Signet, 1976.
- The Satan Trap: Dangers of the Occult
, Doubleday, 1976.
- The Relaxation Controversy
, New American Library, 1976.
- What’s New in ESP?
, Pyramid Books, 1976.
- Atlanta: The New Evidence
, New American Library, 1977.
- The Evidence For Life After Death
, New American Library, 1977.
- Which Vitamins Do You Need?
, Bantam, 1978.
- The Cloning of Man
, Signet, 1978.
- The World’s Weirdest Cults
, Signet, 1979.
- True Experiences With Ghosts
, New American Library, 1979.
- Miracles
, Signet, 1981.
- The World’s Great Unsolved Mysteries
, Signet 1981.
- Psychic Warfare: Threat or Illusion
, McGraw-Hill, 1983.
- The Andropov File
, McGraw-Hill, 1983.
- Nikita Krushchev
, Chelsea House, 1986.
- Mysterious Pyramid Power
, New American Library, reissue 1988.
- Signet Handbook of Parapsychology
, Signet Book, 1988.
- Exorcism
, Senate Books, 1997.
- Test Your ESP
, 1986; reissued January 2000, Wilshire Book Co.
- The Soviet Propaganda Machine
, McGraw-Hill, 1987.
- KGB: Death and Rebirth
, Greenwood/Praeger, 1994.
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