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Exempel på vetenskapligt publicerad forskning om Traditionell Kinesisk Medicin (TCM) och akupunktur. Behandling inom TCM omfattar örtmedicin, more about akupunktur (nålar, laser), moxibution (värmebehandling), Tuina-massage mm.
Meta-analysis on randomized controlled clinical trials of acupuncture for asthma
Yu L et al, Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Sep;30(9):787-92.
PMID: 20886804
CONCLUSION: Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy can significantly improve the total effective rate of acupuncture for asthma. PEFR, FVC, FEV1 /FVC can be used as effectiveness indicators for evaluating the treatment for asthma. The FEV1 measurements did not have statistic significance. Due to the small number of RCT/CCT documents, the bias of the literatures and the lack of high-quality, large sample and multi-center reports, further studies are needed to explore the evidence of the findings.
Acupuncture in the treatment of fibromyalgia in tertiary care–a case series
Duncan B et al, Acupunct Med. 2007 Dec;25(4):137-47
PMID: 18160924
CONCLUSION: Acupuncture appears to offer symptomatic improvement to some patients with fibromyalgia in a tertiary clinic who have failed to respond to other treatments. In view of its safety, further acupuncture research is justified in this population.
The effect of acupuncture on the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis–an open randomised controlled study
Tukmachi E et al, Acupunct Med. 2004 Mar;22(1):14-22
PMID: 15077933
CONCLUSION: We conclude that manual and electroacupuncture causes a significant improvement in the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee, either on its own or as an adjunct therapy, with no loss of benefit after one month.
A blinded randomised trial of acupuncture (manual and electroacupuncture) compared with a non-penetrating sham for the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee.
Jubb RW et al, Acupunct Med. 2008 Jun;26(2):69-78
PMID: 18591906
CONCLUSION: Acupuncture gives symptomatic improvement for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, and is significantly superior to non-penetrating sham acupuncture. The study did not confirm earlier reports of release of plasma beta-endorphin during acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatment of low back pain
Schmitt H et al, Schmerz. 2001 Feb;15(1):33-7
PMID: 11810327
CONCLUSION: Acupuncture as a noninvasive treatment with very few complications is a promising therapeutical option of low back pain, especially when associated with radicular symptoms.
Longer term clinical and economic benefits of offering acupuncture care to patients with chronic low back pain
Thomas KJ et al, Health Technol Assess. 2005 Aug;9(32):iii-iv, ix-x, 1-109
PMID: 16095547
CONCLUSION: Traditional acupuncture care delivered in a primary care setting was safe and acceptable to patients with non-specific low back pain. Acupuncture care and usual care were both associated with clinically significant improvement at 12- and 24-month follow-up. Acupuncture care was significantly more effective in reducing bodily pain than usual care at 24-month follow-up. No benefits relating to function or disability were identified. GP referral to a service providing traditional acupuncture care offers a cost-effective intervention for reducing low back pain over a 2-year period.
Effects of electroacupuncture on the expression of GDNF and Ret in Parkinson’s disease model rats
Wang YC et al, Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Sep;30(9):739-43
PMID: 20886794
CONCLUSION: Electroacupuncture can not only increase the expression of GDNF, but also enhance its effect. ”Shuanggu Yitong” method is better than simple acupuncture at ”Fengfu” (GV 16) and ”Taichong” (LR 3) in increasing expression of GDNF.
Effect of scalp point penetration needling on sleep quality and sleep structure of insomnia patients
Zhou ZL et al, Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Sep;30(9):721-4.
PMID: 20886790
CONCLUSION: The scalp point penetration needling has more significant effects for improving the sleep quality and sleep structure of insomnia patients than the routine needling.
Effect of acupoint Tuina on lactation amount for parturient
Lu P et al, Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Sep;30(9):731-3
PMID: 20886792
RESULTS: […] there were much more parturient with sufficient milk in acupoint Tuina group after treatment, and the time start to lactate was earlier than that of control group.
CONCLUSION: The acupoint Tuina is good for parturient to lactate early and lactate more, it is necessary to make further research.
Effect and safety evaluation of catgut implantation at acupoint for levels of bone metabolism and free radicals in postmenopausal women
Chen GZ et al, Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2010 Mar;30(3):177-81.
PMID: 20496728
CONCLUSION: Catgut implantation at acupoint can improve the low level of estrogen of postmenopausal women, with good safety. It can regulate the levels of bone metabolism and free radicals of postmenopausal women, so it is very meaningful to prevent and treat postmenopausal degenerative diseases including the osteoporosis and to delay the process of apolexis.
German Acupuncture Trials (GERAC) for Chronic Low Back Pain
Randomized, Multicenter, Blinded, Parallel-Group Trial With 3 Groups
Michael Haake, PhD, MD; Hans-Helge Müller, PhD; Carmen Schade-Brittinger; Heinz D. Basler, PhD; Helmut Schäfer, PhD; Christoph Maier, PhD, MD; Heinz G. Endres, MD; Hans J. Trampisch, PhD; Albrecht Molsberger, PhD, MD
Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(17):1892-1898.
BACKGROUND: To our knowledge, verum acupuncture has never been directly compared with sham acupuncture and guideline-based conventional therapy in patients with chronic low back pain.
METHODS: A patient- and observer-blinded randomized controlled trial conducted in Germany involving 340 outpatient practices, including 1162 patients aged 18 to 86 years (mean ± SD age, 50 ± 15 years) with a history of chronic low back pain for a mean of 8 years. Patients underwent ten 30-minute sessions, generally 2 sessions per week, of verum acupuncture (n = 387) according to principles of traditional Chinese medicine; sham acupuncture (n = 387) consisting of superficial needling at nonacupuncture points; or conventionaltherapy, a combination of drugs, physical therapy, and exercise (n = 388). Five additional sessions were offered to patients who had a partial response to treatment (10%-50% reduction in pain intensity). Primary outcome was response after 6 months, defined as 33% improvement or better on 3 pain-related items on the Von Korff Chronic Pain Grade Scale questionnaire or 12% improvement or better on the back-specific Hanover Functional Ability Questionnaire. Patients who were unblinded or had recourse to other than permitted concomitant therapies during follow-up were classified as nonresponders regardless of symptom improvement.
RESULTS: At 6 months, response rate was 47.6% in the verum acupuncture group, 44.2% in the sham acupuncture group, and 27.4% in the conventional therapy group. Differences among groups were as follows: verum vs sham, 3.4% (95% confidence interval, –3.7% to 10.3%; P = .39); verum vs conventional therapy, 20.2% (95% confidence interval, 13.4% to 26.7%; P < .001); and sham vs conventional therapy, 16.8% (95% confidence interval, 10.1% to 23.4%; P < .001.
CONCLUSIONS: Low back pain improved after acupuncture treatment for at least 6 months. Effectiveness of acupuncture, either verum or sham, was almost twice that of conventional therapy.
Kommentar: En studie som visar att akupunktur, oaktat den ges vid kända akupunktur-punkter eller inte, är dubbelt så effektiv som konventionell terapi mot ryggvärk. Den ”konventionella terapin” bestod av läkemedel, fysioterapi och träning.
Den engelske läkaren och fiendedn till all alternativmedicin, Edzard Ernst, vill skrota akupunkturen. Han anser att det är en bluff-metod därför att andra beröringspunkter än de som beskrivs i den klassiska kinesiska litteraturen också fungerar bra. Han rekommenderar alltså alla patienter att använda den traditionella medicinska behandling som bara är hälften så bra.
Pain. 2010 Apr;149(1):124-9. Epub 2010 Feb 18.