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Alexander; C. (2000) Neurophysiological Research on an Individual Experiencing Anomalous Mental Phenomena: a Case Study International Journal of Psychophysiology 35, (1), Feb 2000, pp 42-43.

Alvarado, C.S. (2000). In E. Cardeña, S.J. Lynn, S. Krippner (Eds.), Varieties of anomalous experiences (pp. 183-218). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The work on Out-of-body experiences was not experimental but based on documentations of experiences. Adrian Parker at the Univesrsity of Gotheburg, Sweden, was examinator.

Arango, M.A., & Persinger, M.A. (1988). Geophysical variables and behavior: LII. Decreased geomagnetic activity and spontaneous telepathic experiences from the Sidgwick collection. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 67, 907-910.

Atwater, P.M.H. One of the original researchers of the near-death phenomenon on par with those of Raymond Moody and Kenneth Ring.  Books: Coming Back to Life and Beyond the Light, Future Memory. Read more

Bem, Daryl J., Palmer, J., & Broughton, R. (2001) Updating the ganzfeld database: A victim of its own success? Journal of Parapsychology, 65, 207-218.

Bem, Daryl J. (2003) Precognitive habituation. Paper presenterade vid 46de kongress: Parapsychologcal Association, Vancouver.

Bem, Daryl J. and Honorton, Charles (1994). Does Psi Exist? Replicable Evidence for an Anomalous Process of Information Transfer Psychological Bulletin, 115, 4-18.

Berger, R.E., & Persinger, M.A. (1991). Geophysical variables and behavior: LXVII. Quieter annual geomagnetic activity and larger effect size for experimental PSI (ESP) studies over six decades. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 73, 1219-1223.

Blanke, Olaf. (Geneva University Hospital): An estimated 7 million people have reported hauntingly similar ”near-death” experiences. And the study in the British medical journal Lancet gives credence to such accounts, concluding they are valid.

Bohm, David., Department of Theoretical Physics, Birkbeck College, University of London, Malet St, London A new theory of the relationship of mind and matter

Bohm, David. Noetic Scuíences review #30, p 10 Summer 1994
A Life of Dialogue Between Science and Spirit

Carrington, W. (1940) Experiments on the paranormal cognition of drawings Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, xivi 34-151, 277-344

Carrington, W. (1940) Experiments on the paranormal cognition of drawings Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 1944, xivii 155-228.

Charles T. Tart, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, and University of California at Davis. Based on an invited lecture given at the August 2001 annual meeting of the Parapsychological Association in New York City in conjunction with an Outstanding Career Award presentation.Parapsychology & Transpersonal Psychology: ”Anomalies” to be Explained Away or Spirit to Manifest?

Child, I. L. (1985), Psychology and anomalous observations. The Question of ESP in dreams. American Psychologist, 40, 1219-1230.

Cade M, Coxhead N. The Awakened Mind, 2nd ed. Shaftesbury, UK: Element 1986.

Charman RA. Placing healers, healees, and healing into a wider research context. J. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2000, 6(2), 177-180.
Brief review article (18 refs).

Delanoy, Deborah L. Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. Experimental Evidence Suggestive of Anomalous Consciousness Interactions

Dilbeck MC, Banus CB, Polanzi C, Landrith GS. Test of a field model of consciousness and social change: the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program and decreased urban crime. J Mind Behaviour 1988, 9(4), 457-486.

Duane TD, Behrendt T. Extrasensory electroencephalographic induction between identical twins. Science 1965, 150-367.

Ebon, Martin. Parapsychology Foundation, Inc., New York City, administrative secretary and editor, 1953-65. Member of staff, U.S. Office of War Information. Information officer with U.S. Department of State. Martin Ebon briefed US Agencies on Intelligence and ESP matters.

Ejvegård, R. and Broad C. D. Out-of-Body Experiences (oklar referens)

Fahrion S. et. al. EEG amplitude, brain mapping, & synchrony in & between a bioenergy practitioner & client during healing. Subtle Energies 1992, 3(1), 19-52.

Fenwick, Peter. Parmia, Sam. Lommell, Pim Van. Blackmore, Susan. The day I died: in 6 parts (video)

Gearhart, L., & Persinger, M.A. (1986). Geophysical variables and human behavior. Onsets of historical and contemporary poltergeist episodes occurred with sudden increases in geomagnetic activity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 62, 463-466.

Goswami,Amit. Institute of Theoretical Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, U.S.A, Science within Consciousness A Quantum Explanation of Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance

Greyson, Bruce

Grinberg-Zylberbaum J, Ramos J. Patterns of interhemispheric correlation during human communication. International Journal of Neuroscience 1987, 36, 41-53.

Grinberg-Zylberbaum J, Delaflor M, Sanchez Arellano ME, Guevara MA, Perez M. Human communication and the electrical activity of the brain. Subtle Energies 1992, 3(3), 25-41.

Grinberg-Zulberbaum J, Delaflor J, Attie L, Goswami L. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in the brain: The transferred potential. Physics Essays 1994, 7(4), 422-428.

Grof, Stanislav. From a talk given at the Institute of Noetic Sciences conference: ”The Sacred Source: Life, Death, and the Survival of Consciousness”, Chicago, Illinois, July 15-17, 1994. Noetic Sciences Review, Vol. 32, Winter 1994, pages 21-29.
Alternative Cosmologies and Altered States

Hameroff, Stuart R. Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology. The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson. ”Funda-Mentality” Is the Conscious Mind Subtly Linked to a Basic Level of the Universe?

Hameroff, Stuart. (video) Quantum biology

Hansen, G. (1992) Criticisms of the research with Bill Delmore. Journal of Parapsychology, 56, 307-333.

Hearne, K. Visually evoked responses and ESP. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1977, 49, 648-657.

Hearne, K. Visually evoked responses and ESP: Failure to replicate previous findings. J Society for Psychical Research 1981, 51, 145-147.

Honorton, C. & Ferrai, D. (1989) ”Future Telling: A meta-analysis of forced-choice precognition experiments”. 1935-1987. Journal of Parapsychology, 53, 281-302.

Honorton, C. ”Precognition and real time ESP performance in a computer task with an exceptional subject”. Journal of Parapsychology, 51, 291-320.

Jordan, Robert. He has developed a very interesting theory which parallels the physiology of the dying process. Read more

Kaivarainen, Alex. Dep. of applied physics, University of Turku, Vesilinnantie 5, FIN-20014, Turku, Finland Virtual Replica of Matter in Bivacuum & Possible Mechanism of Distant Mind – Matter and Mind – Mind Interaction

Keil, J. (1990) How a skeptic misrepresents the research with Stepanek, Journal of Parapsychology, 54, 151-168.

Kelly, E, F. Kanthamani, B. K. H. , Child, I. L., & Young, F. W. (1975) On the relation between visual and ESP conditions in an exceptional ESP subject. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 69, 185-197.

Kelly E.F., Lenz J. ”EEG changes correlated with a remote stroboscopic stimulus: A preliminary study”. In Morris J, Roll W, Morris R. J (eds.). Research in Parapsychology 1975, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, p. 58-63 (abstracted in Journal of Parapsychology, 1975, 39, 25) 1976.

Kittenis M., Carul P, Stevens P. ”Distant psychophysiolocigal interaction effects between related and unrelated participants”. Proceedings of the Parapsychologicl Association Convention 2004, 67-76 (meeting held in Vienna, Austria, August 5-8, 2004).

Krippner, Stanley. A Pilot Study in ESP, Dreams, and Purported OBEs (1966) A 4-night pilot study at the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Laboratory in Brooklyn, New York. The subject was a male student who claimed to have frequent out-of-body experiences (OBEs) at night.

Lewicki, D.R., Schaut, G.H., & Persinger, M.A. (1987). Geophysical variables and behavior: XLIV. Days of subjective precognitive experiences and the days before the actual events display correlated geomagnetic activity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 65, 173-174.

Lloyd D. H. ”Objective events in the brain correlating with psychic phenomena”. New Horizons, 1973, 1, 69-75.

May E.C., Targ R, Puthoff HE. ”EEG correlates to remote light flashes under conditions of sensory shielding”. In Tart CT, Puthoff HE, Targ R (eds.). Mind at large: IEEE symposia on the nature of extrasensory perception. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 1979/2002.

Millar B. An attempted validation of the “Lloyd effect.” In Morris JD, Roll WG, Morris RL. (eds.). Research in Parapsychology 1975, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 25-27.

Millay J. Multidimensional Mind: Remote Viewing in Hyperspace. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1999.

Moody, Raymond.

Moulton ST, Kosslyn SM. Using neuro-imaging to resolve the psi debate. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2008; 20(1): 182-192. PDF

Milton, J. (1997) ”Meta-analysis of free-response ESP studies without altered states of consciousness”. Journal of Parapsychology, 61, 279-319.

Milton, J. and Wiseman, R. (1999), ”Does psi exist?” Lack of replication of an anomalous process of information transfer, Psychological Bulletin, 125,. 387-391.

Milton, J. and Wiseman, R. (2001), ”Does psi exist?” Reply to Storm and Ertel, Psychological Bulletin, 127, 434-438.

Morse, Melvin. Studies at Seattle Children’s Hospital of near-death experiences, with age and sex matched controls. He studied 26 children who nearly died.

Makarec, K., & Persinger, M.A. (1987). Geophysical variables and behavior: XLII. Negative correlation between accuracy of card-guessing and geomagnetic activity: A case study. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 65, 105-106.

Nelson, R. & Radin, D. (1989), ”Statistically robust anomalous effects: Replication in random event generator experiments in Research in Parapsychology”, Red., L. Henckle & R. E. Berger, 23-26 Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press.

Orme-Johnson D, Dillbeck MC, Wallace RK, Landrith GS. Intersubject EEG coherence: Is consciousness a field? International J of Neuroscience 1982, 16, 203-209.

Palmer, J. (1971). ”Scoring in ESP tests as a function of belief in ESP. Part I. The sheep-goat effect”. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 65, 373-408.

Palmer, J. (1972). ”Scoring in ESP tests as a function of belief in ESP. Part II. Beyond the sheep-goat effect”. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 66, 1-26. See list of John Palmer’s publications

Palmer, J. (1977). ”Attitudes and personality traits in experimental ESP research”. In B. B. Wolman (Ed.), Handbook of Parapsychology (pp. 175-201). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Palmer, J. (1998) ”ESP and RNG PK with Sean Harribance: Three New Studies”, Journal of Parapsychology, 62, 112-113.

Pratt, G. (1973) A decade of research with a selected ESP subject: An overview of research and reappraisal of the work with Pavel Stepanek. Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research, 30, 1-78.

Persinger, M. A. (1993). Geophysical variables and behavior: LXXI. Differential contribution of geomagnetic activity to paranormal experiences concerning death and crisis: an alternative to the ESP hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills Apr; 76(2): 555-62.

Persinger, M. A. (1993). Paranormal and religious beliefs may be mediated differentially by subcortical and cortical phenomenological processes of the temporal (limbic) lobes. Perceptual and Motor Skills. Feb; 76(1): 247-51.

Persinger, M.A. (1975). Geophysical models for parapsychological experiences. Psychoenergetic Systems, 1, 63-74.

Persinger, M.A. (1976). The problems of human verbal behaviour: The final reference for measuring ostensible PSI phenomena. The Journal of Research in PSI Phenomena, 1,72-90.

Persinger, M.A. (1979). ELF field mediation in spontaneous PSI events: direct information transfer or conditioned elicitation? Psychoenergetic Systems, 3, 155-169.

Persinger, M.A. (1979). Behaviouristic descriptions of paranormal behaviors. Psychoenergetic Systems, 3, 229-242.

Persinger, M.A. (1983). Religious and mystical experiences as artifacts of temporal lobe function: a general hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 57, 1255-1262.

Persinger, M.A. (1984). Propensity to report paranormal experiences is correlated with temporal lobe signs. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 59, 583-586.

Persinger, M.A. (1985). Geophysical variables and behavior: XXII. The tectonogenic strain continuum of unusual events. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 60, 59-65.

Persinger, M.A. (1985). Geophysical variables and human behavior: Intense paranormal experiences occur during days of quiet, global, geomagnetic activity. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 61, 320-322.

Persinger, M.A., & Valliant, P.M. (1985). Temporal lobe signs and reports of subjective paranormal experiences in a normal population: a replication. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 60, 903-909.

Persinger, M.A. (1985). Subjective telepathic experiences, geomagnetic activity and the ELF hypothesis: Part II. Stimulus features and neural detection. PSI Research, 4(2), 4-23.

Persinger, M.A., & Cameron, R.A. (1986). Earth faults in some poltergeist-like cases? Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 80, 49-73.

Persinger, M.A. (1987). Spontaneous telepathic experiences from Phantasms of the Living and low global geomagnetic activity. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 81, 23-36.

Persinger, M.A., & Schaut, G.B. (1988). Geomagnetic factors in subjective telepathic, precognitive and postmortem experiences. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 82, 217-235.

Persinger, M.A., & Krippner, S. (1989). Experimental dream telepathy, clairvoyance and geomagnetic activity. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 83, 101-116.

Persinger, M.A. (1989). Modern neuroscience and near-death experiences: expectancies and implications. Journal of Near-Death Studies, 7, 233-239.

Persinger, M.A., & Fisher, S.D. (1990). Elevated, specific temporal lobe signs in a population engaged in psychic studies. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 71, 817-818.

Persinger, M.A. (1993). Geophysical variables and behavior: LXXI. Differential contribution of geomagnetic activity to paranormal experiences concerning death and crisis: An alternative to the ESP hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 76, 555-562.

Persinger, M.A. (1995). Out-of-body-like experiences are more probable in people with elevated complex partial epileptic-like signs during periods of enhanced geomagnetic activity: a nonlinear effect. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 80, 563-569.

Perus, Mitja (interviewer). An Interview with Dr. BASIL J. HILEY National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Basil J. Hiley, the Physics Department, Birkbeck College, University of London. Co-author of the ontological interpretation of quantum theory with the late Professor David Bohm. Quantum Mechanics and the Implicate Order

Radin, Dean., May, E. C. & Thomson, M. J. (1986) Psi experiments with random number generators: Meta-analysis Part 1 In D. H. Weiner & D. I Radin (Ed.s) Research in Parapsychology, 1985, (pp. 14-17). Metuchin. NJ. Scarecrow Press.

Radin, Dean. & Ferreri, D, C, (1991) Effects of consciousness on the fall of dice.
See list of Dean Radin’s publications

Radin, Dean. Event-related electroencephalographic correlations between isolated human subjects. J Altern Complement Med 2004, 10, 315–323.

Radin, Dean et al, Effects of distant healing intention through time and space: Two exploratory studies. Subtle Energies 2000, 11(3), 207-239

Radin, Dean. IONS (video)

Ramachandran, Vilayanur S. (article)

Rebert CS, Turner A. EEG spectrum analysis techniques applied to the problem of psi phenomena. Behavioral Neuropsychiatry 1974, 6, 18-24.

Ring, Kenneth. His research involves investigating NDE:s among blind persons. Books: Mindsight and Lessons From The Light. Read more

Sabell A, Clarke C, Fenwick P, Clarke CP. Inter-subject EEG correlations at a distance-transferred potential. In: Alvarado, C.S., ed. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, New York, NY 2001, 419-422.

Sabom, Michael, Dr. A cardiologist whose first book, Recollections of Death: A Medical Investigation, is considered to be a landmark in the field of near-death research. In 1994, he founded the Atlanta Study with the purpose to document the life-and-death dramas played out in operating rooms and hospital beds. His book Light and Death, shares his findings from the Atlanta Study. Read more

Schmidt, S., Schneider, R, Utts, J. & Walach, H. (2003) Distant Intentionality and the Feeling of Being Stared At. – Two Meta-Analyses. British Journal of Psychology in press.

Schmidt, H., Morris, R. L., Rudolph, L. (1986), Channeling evidence for PK effects to independent observers, Journal of Parapsychology, 50, 1-16.

Schmidt, H. (1969) Quantum processe predicted? New Scientist, 16 October, 114- 115. se även Schmidt (1969) Journal of Parapsychology, 33, 99-108 för vidare detaljer.

Schmidt, H. (1993) Observation of a psychokinetic effect under highly controlled conditions. Journal of Parapsychology, 57, 357-372.

Seto A, Kusaka C, Nakazato S, et al. Detection of extraordinary large biomagnetic field strength from the human hand during external qi emission. Acupuncture and Electrotherapeutics Research International 1992, 17, 75-94.

Schaut, G.B., & Persinger, M.A. (1985). Subjective telepathic experiences, geomagnetic activity and the ELF hypothesis: Part I. Data analyses. PSI Research, 4(1), 4-20.

Sherwood, S. & Roe, C. (2003) A review of the Dream ESP studies since the Maimonides Dream ESP studies. Journal of Consciousness studies, 10, 85-110.

Shealy CN, Smith T, Liss S, Borgmeyer V. EEG alterations during absent ‘healing.’ Subtle Energies 2000, 11(3), 241-248.

Sheldrake, Rupert (video)

Silfen, Carole and Mitchell, Janet Lee. OBE-experiment with Ingo Swann July 26, 1972, ”Report of an Out-of-Body Experiment Conducted at the American Society for Psychical Research. The content of a box had to be viewed and drawn. Ingo was connected to EEG equipment and thus prevented movement during the experiment. He was then to exit the body and view the contents of the box.

Sinclair, U. (2001) Mental Radio Preface by Albert Einstein. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads).

Smith, M. (2003) The psychology of the psi-conducive experimenter: personality, attitudes towards psi, and personal experience. Journal of Parapsychology, 67, 117-128.

Standish L, Johnson LC, Richards T, Lozak L. Evidence of correlated functional MRI signals between distant human brains. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2003, 9, 122-128.

Standish L et al. J. Electroencephalographic evidence of correlated event-related signals between the brains of spatially and sensory isolated human subjects. J. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004, 10(2), 307-314.

Stapp, Henry P. 1998, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. University of California. Berkeley. Whiteheadian Process and Quantum Theory of Mind

Stanford, R.G. & Stein, A. G. (1994) A meta-analysis of ESP studies contrasting hypnosis and a comparison condition. Journal of Parapsychology, 58, 235-269.

Stapp, Henry P. Theoretical Physics Group, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California, U.S.A. Why Classical Mechanics Cannot Naturally Accommodate Consciousness but Quantum Mechanics Can

Steinkamp, F., Milton, J. & Morris, R.L. (1998). A meta-analysis of forced-choice experiments comparing clairvoyance and precognition. Journal of Parapsychology, 62, 193-218.

Storm L., and Ertel S. (2001), Does psi exist? Milton and Wisemans (1999) meta-analysis of ganzfeld research, Psychological Bulletin, 127, 424-433.

Sugano H, Uchida S, Kuramoto I. A new approach to the study of subtle energies. Subtle Energies 1994, 5(2), 143-165.

Schwarz, John H. Prof. Caltech ”The Second Superstring Revolution – report on the latest developments in superstring  theory”

Targ, R, Puthoff, H. Information transmission under conditions of sensory shielding. Nature 1974, 252, 602-607.

Targ, R. (1994) Remote viewing replication evaluated by concept analysis. Journal Parapsychology, 58, 271-284.

See list of Russel Targ’s publications

Targ, Russel (video)

Tart, Charles T. University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto; & University of California, (1997, Journal of Consciousness Studies-Online). Parapsychology: A Brief Bibliography

Tart, Charles T. Psychophysiological Study of Out-of-the-Body Experiences in a Selected Subject Miss Z (read about night IV). Psychology Department, University of California at Davis, California 95616 (1968, Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research).

Tart, Charles T. Further Psychophysiological Study of Out-of-the-Body Experiences in a Gifted Subject, Robert A. Monroe. This article was originally published under the above title in the Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association, W. Roll, R. Morris & J. Morris (Eds.), Nov. 6, 1969, pp. 43-44.

Tart, Charles T. Second Psychophysiological Study of Out-of-the-Body Experiences in a Selected Subject Mr. X (Robert A. Monroe) University of California Davis, California, (1967, International Journal of Parapsychology).Read more

Tart, Charles T. Six Studies of Out-of-the-Body Experiences.

Taylor, Jill Bolte. Lecture, (video) Neurobiologist experiencing savikalpa (?) samadhi during a severe stroke.

Utts, Jessica, Professor, Division of Statistics, University of California, Davis
An Assesment of the Evidence for Psychic Functioning

Vernn, Neppe (article)

Wackerman, J, Seiter, C, Keibel, Walach, H. Correlations between brain electrical activities of two spatially separated human subjects. Neuroscience Letters 2003, 336, 60-64.

Warcollier, R. (2001) ”Mind to Mind”. Prefaced by Ingo Swann, Charlottesville, VA. Hampton Roads.

White, R. A. (1976b) The limits of experimenter influence on psi test results: Can any be set?, Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 70, 335-369.

White, R,A. (1977), The influence of the experimenter motivation, attitudes and methods of handling subjects in psi test results. In Handbook of Parapsychology, 273-301, Edit. B.Wolman, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

White, R. A. (1976a) The influence of persons other than the experimenter on the subject’s scores in psi experiments. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 69,133-166.

Williams, Kevin. Private investigations.

Wiseman, R. Testing the notion that a foot shinercould have been used during the Delmore experiments. Journal of Parapsychology, 59, 63-65.

Zimmerman J. New technologies detect effects in healing hands. Brain/Mind Bulletin 1985, 10(2), 20-23

More on Remote Viewing

The IRVA Remote Viewing Libary is a searchable web-based collection of remote viewing related articles, papers, book reviews and excerpts, and news items. This area is a work in progress and we will continue to make improvements in both the quantity and quality of contained materials.

RV HISTORY: A Brief Time Line of Remote Viewing History

Remote viewing – good examples (Ed May)

Remote Viewing in a Group Setting
Russell Targ & Jane Katra

IRVA papers

A model for remote mental interactions Matti Pitkänen Department of Physical Sciences, High Energy Physics Division, PL 64, FIN-00014, University of Helsinki, Finland

Remote Viewing demonstrated on TV (QuickTime Movie)
Psi Tech demonstrates the potential of remote viewing.

Buildings, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Remote Viewer: Joseph McMoneagle. This trial was carried out by Dr. Edwin C. May in 1987.

Drawing of a gantry crane at the secret Soviet R&D site at Semipalatinsk.Remote Viewer: Pat Price. This trial was carried out by Russell Targ in 1974.

Livermore Valley Foothills Windmill Farm. Remote Viewer: Joseph McMoneagle. This trial was carried out by Dr. Edwin C. May in 1987.

Airport on an island off San Andres, Columbia Sketch produced by physicist Russell Targ, when he spontaneously took the role of remote viewer in the absence of psychic Pat Price’s.

The Caravel Project (PDF) The Location, Description, and Reconstruction of Marine Sites Through Remote Viewing, Including Comparison With Aerial Photography, Geologic Coring, and Electronic Remote Sensing
Stephan A. Schwartz, Randall J. De Mattei, and Roger Smith

The Discovery of An American Brig (PDF) Fieldwork Involving Applied Remote Viewing Including a Comparison With Electronic Remote Sensing. Stephan A. Schwartz and Randall J. De Mattei

Preliminary Survey of the Eastern Harbor, Alexandria Egypt, (PDF) Including a Comparison of Side Scan Sonar and Remote Viewing. Stephan A. Schwartz

The Location and Reconstruction of a Bysantine Structure in Marea, Egypt(PDF) Including a Comparison of Electronic Remote Sensing and Remote Viewing. Stephan A. Schwartz

Probing Jupiter, Ingo Swann, 1973.

Giertz, Caroline. Wistbacka, Anders. Nordisk Film, May 2003. Successful Case of Extended Remote Viewing or ”Self-guided OBE”. TV experiment, single blind.

”Information Transfer under Conditions of Sensory Shielding,” Nature, V252, #5476, pp 602-7,10/18/74

”Information Transmission in Remote Viewing Experiments,” Puthoff & Targ, Nature, V284, pp191, 3/13/80

”Direct Perception of Remote Geographical Locations, ” Puthoff & Targ, Proceedings of the IEEE, New York, April 19-21, 1977

”State of the Art in Remote Viewing Studies,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Targ, Puthoff, & May, Washington, D.C. 9/20/77

”A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer over Kilometer Distances, Puthoff & Targ, Proceedings of the IEEE, V64, #3, pp329, 3/76

”Information Transfer under Conditions of Sensory Shielding,” Nature, V252, #5476, pp 602-7,10/18/74

”Information Transmission in Remote Viewing Experiments,” Puthoff & Targ, Nature, V284, pp191, 3/13/80

”Direct Perception of Remote Geographical Locations, ” Puthoff & Targ, Proceedings of the IEEE, New York, April 19-21, 1977

”State of the Art in Remote Viewing Studies,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Targ, Puthoff, & May, Washington, D.C. 9/20/77

”A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer over Kilometer Distances, Puthoff & Targ, Proceedings of the IEEE, V64, #3, pp329, 3/76

More research on Exceptional Experiences

Evidence vs Opinion on the Paranormal

State of the Art in Transpersonal Psychology, 1996

Journal of Consciousness Studies. How does the mind relate to the brain? Can computers ever be conscious? What do we mean by subjectivity and the self?