

PDF Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans
The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), mind based on an increased risk for glioma, stuff a malignant type of brain cancer1, approved associated with wireless phone use. Lyon, France, May 31, 2011
PDF Leading expert Anders Ahlbom linked to the Telecom Industry, Mona Nilsson
Conflict of interest at the WHO May 2011
PDF Global Scientists Rebuke Coming Decision on Carcinogenicity of Radiofrequency (RF) and Microwaves (MW) by WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Calling Any Opinion Rendered ‘Irresponsible’ Without Full Disclosure of the 2004 Interphone Study Results, International EMF Alliance
In collaboration with the International EMF Alliance (IEMFA), scientists from Europe, North America, Australia and Israel have sent an Open Letter to Dr. Christopher Wild, Director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), calling for a postponement of the forthcoming meeting May 24-31, 2011 in Lyon, France, “Non-Ionizing Radiation, Part II: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field [includes mobile telephones],” at which determination of the carcinogenicity of cell phones and wireless technologies will be made.

PDF Electromagnetic Fields from Mobile Phones: Health Effect on Children and Teenagers, RNCNIRP 2011,
Professor Yury GRIGORIEV, Professor Valentina NIKITINA, Dr Oleg GRIGORIEV
This Resolution was approved by members of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP) at its Committee session on 3 March 2011. The Resolution evolved from scienti?c statements adopted by RNCNIRP in 2001, 2004, 2007, 2008 and 2009, taking into account contemporary views and actual scienti?c data. The Resolution represents a viewpoint of the professional scienti?c community and is meant for public dissemination, for the consumers of the mobile telecommunications services, as well as for the legislative and executive authorities who develop and implement health protection, environmental, communication, scienti?c and safety policies.
PDF Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Don Maisch, PhD 2011
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), was established in 1965 as an agency of the World Health Organization (WHO) with a mission to develop strategies for cancer prevention and control. One of its prime roles is to evaluate and classify the carcinogenicity of chemicals and other substances (including electromagnetic radiation) through published monographs that will then be used by international and national health and regulatory agencies to protect public health. In order to block undue commercial influence in its assessment process the IARC has stipulated that in order to participate in its working groups, members must have no real or apparent conflicts of interests – meaning that they cannot be working for the affected industry. This does not eliminate the potential for commercial influence, however, as industry representatives, with an obvious bias to protect their commercial sector, can still be directly involved in IARC meetings. This is exampled by the May 24-31, 2011 IARC meeting that will be discussing the carcinogenicity of radio-frequency and microwave radiation. Other examples of the problems created by allowing industry involvement in WHO advisory groups, namely the Chernobyl Forum and the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Task Group (2005) are examined with a warning on forgetting the hard lessons learned by the WHO from its past experience with the tobacco industry.
PDF Autoimmune Process after Long-Term Low-Level Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, Y.G. Grigoriev, O.A. Grigoriev, A.A.Ivanov, A.M. Lyaginskaya, A.V. Merkulov, V.S. Stepanov, N.B. Shagina
Mobile Communications and Changes in Electromagnetic Conditions for the Population. Abstract—Mobile communications provides a new source of electromagnetic exposure for almost the whole population of Russia. For the first time in the history of civilization, the brain of mobile phone users is exposed to localized radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF). Base stations are a factor in the exposure of the population. Existing standards for limiting exposure do not account for the role of base sta-tions as a source of EMF and cannot guarantee the absence of adverse health effects. It has become necessary to obtain reliable information to expand databases for the development of new standards. As recommended by the World Health Organization, an additional experiment is performed under the supervision of foreign experts, which shows changes in autoimmune status in rats after long-term low-level RF EMF exposure with an incident power of 500 µW/cm2.
PDF WORLD HEALTH Urgently Needs Lower EMF Standards, International Scientists Say Olle Johansson, PhD, Karolinska Institute, Chair, Adamantia Fragopoulou, Yuri Grigoriev, Lukas Margaritas, Lloyd Morgan, Elihu Richter, and Cindy Sage, 2011
The International Electromagnetic Fields Alliance (IEMFA) today announces a new published report and scientific Consensus Statement concerning health hazards of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Led by Olle Johansson, PhD of the Karolinska Institute, the report published by a consortium of international scientists urges global governments to adopt significantly lower human exposure standards for electromagnetic fields. The recommendations are based on the latest body of evidence in biological sciences, and the public-health implications of the unprecedented global exposures to electromagnetic fields from telecommunications and electric power technologies. The scientists recommend specific exposure limits for different frequency fields, including microwaves, used in wireless communications, and ELF electric fields and magnetic fields 2011
PDF Norwegian FELO EHS Report, the English Summery: L. A. Solberg and B. G. Tilset 2011
In 2007-2008, The Association for Electrohypersensitive in Norway conducted a questionnaire among its members. The aim was to document the sources that the EHS react to, their symptoms, treatments/interactions that help, and how the handicap affects their daily life. The results were recently published in a report.
PDF The California Council on Science and Technology – Dr. Olle Johansson’s response
The comments submitted by Swedish neuroscientist, Dr. Olle Johansson on the Smart Meter Report prepared by the California Council on Science and Technology in January 2011
PDF Non-thermal effects and mechanisms of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living matter, Rome, Italy, Livio Giuliani November 2010
Protection against Non Ionizing Radiation is based on a paradigmatic assumption: “We know very well the interaction between electromagnetic fields and living organ-isms: it is a thermal interaction; thus the standards internationally accepted are adequate to protect people and workers”. This is a fairy tale. Since the 1970s the non thermal effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms have been well known and also the non thermal mechanisms have been investigated. Nevertheless, until today, we have been condemned to listen to representatives from international institutions repeating the old refrain above. Furthermore when scientists participating in the ICEMS agreed to edit a monograph – the present one – with the aim of illustrating the non thermal mechanisms and effects due to the electromagnetic interaction with living organisms.
PDF The Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields – Commonwealth Club of California 2010
Radiation emitted by cell phones and cell towers has been linked to DNA damage, cancer, immunological impairment, neurological diseases, impaired fertility and impacts on neurological function, including cognition, behavior, performance, mood status, and disruption of sleep.
PDF IEMFA STATEMENT STAVANGER – Urgent need for a precautionary approach
Ongoing developments in biological sciences increase worldwide consensus amongst life scientists that the multitude of cellular changes induced by non-ionizing electromagnetic fields may over longer time accumulate into a range of serious health problems, due to prolonged exposure at levels significantly below the current exposure guidelines. These fast emerging long-term effects form a wide threat for public health.
PDF Protection to health risks of EMFs at work – contribution IEMFA to consultation European Commission
Contribution of IEMFA to a consultation process amongst social partners of the EC, to ensure protection of workers from long-term health risks related to exposure to EMFs at work. Recommendations for a new directive departing from EC second stage document (2010) 3250 final of May 20th, 2010
PDF The Procrustean Approach – Knowledge development on EMF & Health highly manipulated by industry
Setting Exposure Standards for Telecommunications Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation, An examination of the manipulation of telecommunications standards by political, military, and industrial vested interests at the expense of public health protection, Don Maisch, PhD thesis 2010
PDF The death of the No-Risk and Healthy Office projects
“Low dose exposure to chemicals and electromagnetic radiation from increasingly advanced electronic equipment is apparently one of the work environment risks in offices in the twenty-first century. How great the health risks are is not yet known. Researchers who want to find out are kept back by constant lack of funding. In this situation, the role of unions is important, partly with respect to demanding more adequate research in this field, partly to assert at least the principle of prudent avoidance – if they don’t dare to demand a zero-risk goal.” by Don Maisch PhD and Prof. Olle Johansson 2010
PDF BEMS 32nd annual meeting – Korea
The 32nd Annual Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society held in Seoul June 2010. The mission of BEMS is to be the international resource for excellence in scientific research, knowledge and understanding of the interaction of electromagnetic fields with biological systems.
PDF Eurobarometer Electromagnetic Fields
Exposure to man-made sources of EMFs has increased dramatically due to the demand for electricity, wireless technologies (especially for telecommunications), and changes in work practices and social behaviour. As a result, all EU citizens are now exposed to EMFs through sources such as high-voltage power lines, household electrical appliances,computers, radar, radio and television broadcast facilities and mobile telephones 2010
PDF The foundations of thermally based RF standard setting
Taken from PhD dissertation, The Procrustean Approach:  Setting Exposure Standards for
Telecommunications Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation Don Maisch 2010
PDF The INTERPHONE Study Group and the WHO publication
Interphone Study finds increased risk of glioma and meningioma for regular mobile phone users 2010
PDF International Appeal from Würzburg
Urgent appeal of EUROPAEM to European environment and health ministers and other authorities to financial invest in the greatly concerning increase of chronic multisystem illnesses based on similar pathological mechanisms. Common mechanisms are influenced by environmental factors including electromagnetic field (EMF) triggers 2010
PDF Progressive stages in worldwide knowledge development regarding Electromagnetic Fields & Health
With this discussion paper IEMFA aims to enhance progressive stages of knowledge development on EMF&H. Progressive stages in world-wide knowledge of the last decades bring a developing conception of associated health problems. They form part of an ongoing development towards a state of science which reflects reality
PDF “Research electromagnetic fields should find new paths forward”
Long-term exposure, but … … no knowledge, no safety standards Citizens and ecosystems are nowadays increasingly exposed to long-term growth in low- and high-frequency electromagnetic fields from an ever wider range of electrical equipment, power lines and wireless applications. The knowledge about possible health consequences of longterm effects of such fields is not available, or available only in a very limited way. This also applies to the cumulative effect of these influences. In line with this, the current standards primarily focus on the prevention of acute health effects occurring on exposure to individual fields. As a consequence, in the current situation, human beings and the natural world are not protected against possible long term health effects from a cocktail of different electromagnetic fields 2009
PDF Cell Phone Radiation
Worldwide, scientists, public health experts, and many government agencies are making recommendations for children to avoid using cell phones and generally for cell phone users to aim towards lower radiation exposure (Leitgeb 2008; Mead 2008). Recommendations from government agencies of several countries and international organizations are summarized below. Science Review on Cancer Risks and Children’s Health 2009
PDF Cellphones and Brain Tumors 15 Reasons for Concern
The 11 Interphone study design flaws, taken together, greatly distort the true risk of brain tumors from cellphone use. Any consideration of Interphone study conclusions must weigh an understanding of these design flaws so as not to mislead the public about risks of cell phone use. It is the view of the editors and endorsers of this report that there is a far greater risk of brain tumors from cellphone use than has been reported in the Telecom-funded Danish cellphone subscriber study or in the Telecom-funded Interphone study 2009
PDF The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)
Exposure to High-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Biological Effects and Health Consequences 2009
PDF Athermischer Wirkungen elektromagnetischischer Felder im Mobilfunkbereich
UNI Wien die Professoren Mosgöller, Kundi und Gerner erneut nicht-thermische Wirkungen 2009
PDF BEMS – BIOEM 2009 Davos abstracts the programme
Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society and the European BioElectromagnetics Association
PDF International Non-Ionizing Radiation and Health Workshop – Brazil, May 18 and 19, 2009
Workshop Ministério Público do RS, Rua A. Figueiredo Pinto 80, P. Alegre, RS, Brazil. The workshop was under the sponsorship of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, the Pan American Health Organization, the Universidade Fédéral do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul, the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, as well as other governmental and non governmental organizations. International researchers from several countries will deliver invited talks on selected subjects. Researchers, public health authorities, as well as authorities from the legislative, executive and judiciary governmental bodies from Brazil and other South American countries are also invited.
PDF The Birds, the Bees and Electromagnetic Pollution
Animals use their cryptochrome pigments for both magnetic and solar navigation. They also control the activity of the immune system. Weak electromagnetic fields can affect all of these functions with disastrous consequences. Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy May 2009
PDF Cell phones and brain tumors: a review including the long-term epidemiologic data
Results: The results indicate that using a cell phone for ?10 years approximately doubles the risk of being diagnosed with a brain tumor on the same (“ipsilateral”) side of the head as that preferred for cell phone use. The data achieve statistical significance for glioma and acoustic neuroma but notfor meningioma.
Conclusion: The authors conclude that there is adequate epidemiologic evidence to suggest a link between prolonged cell phone usage and the development of an ipsilateral brain tumor.
Vini G. Khurana, PhD, Charles Teo, Michael Kundi, Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg, 2009
PDF The Controversy about a Possible Relationship between Mobile Phone Use and Cancer
Methodologic considerations revealed that three important conditions for epidemiologic studies to detect an increased risk are not met:
a) no evidence-based exposure metric is available;
b) the observed duration of mobile phone use is generally still too low; c) no evidence-based selection of end points among the grossly different types of neoplasias is possible because of lack of etiologic hypotheses. Concerning risk estimates, selection bias, misclassification bias, and effects of the disease on mobile phone use could have reduced estimates, and recall bias may have led to spuriously increased risks. The overall evidence speaks in favor of an increased risk, but its magnitude cannot be assessed at present because of insufficient information on long-term use.
Michael Kundi: Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2009
PDF Electro Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) in the Netherlands
The results of a questionnaire that was completed by 250 electro hyper sensitive (EHS) persons in the Netherlands over a 3-year period, who contacted the EHS Foundation on Their Own Initiative. Self declared health problems were recorded along with the sources of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) –if known- that caused the health effects Self-Declared health problems recorded alongwith were the sources of electromagnetic fields (EMFs)-if known-That caused the health effects 2008
PDF How Susceptible Are Genes to Mobile Phone Radiation?
Prof. Franz Adlkofer, Prof. Igor Y. Belyaev, and Vladislav M. Shiroff 2008
PDF 4-fold increase in risk of leukaemia
4-fold increase in risk of leukaemia if they also live within 100 metres of powerlines  Dec 2008
PDF Preliminary Report Euro Parliament
Preoccupations concerning the effects on human health  of electromagnetic fields Dec 2008
PDF The Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting
An independent organization of biological and physical scientists, physicians and engineers, june 2008
PDF Congress Tessaloniki
Effects EMF May 2008
PDF The Cell Phone and the Cell
Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy May2008
PDF Why mobile phone masts can be more dangerous than the phones
Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy Marz 2008
PDF Non Thermal Effects
Michael Bevington 2008
PDF Mobile Phones and Brain Tumours
Dr. Vini G. Khurana, MBBS, BSc 2008
PDF Bioinitiative Report, Conclusions
Cindy Sage and 14 scientists 2007
YouTube The BioInitiative Report, interview 2008
PDF The Dangers of Electromagnetic Smog
Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy Augustus 2007
PDF The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields
Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy 2007
PDF Citywide Wireless Broadband Internet Access Network
Dr. Magda Havas 2007
PDF Eurobarometer EMF
European Commission 2007
PDF WHO Workshop on Electrical Hypersensitivity
World Health Organization 2004-2006
PDF ECOLOG Handbuch Komplett
ECOLOG-Instituut 2006
PDF WHO Factsheet 296
World Health Organization 2005
PDF Health and electromagnetic ?elds
European Commission 2005
PDF REFLEX Studie Final
European Commission 2004
PDF Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
European Commission 2002
PDF The Stewart Report
Stewart Report, Sir William Stewart Chairman IEGMP 2000